These brilliant minds can’t stop winning Artifact Cider trivia!
Enjoying the Long Island summer at Cold Spring Harbor Retroviruses 2023!
Trivia Tuesday Winners!
First ice cream trip of the year!
Mini golf excursion during the summer building retreat - 2018
Ice cream trip to Toscanini's to celebrate Victor's summer in the lab!
Post-Doc appreciation Day!
Thanksgiving at Thomas's with a deep-fried turkey!
Thanksgiving at Thomas's house - 2016
The Resolution Revolution hits the MIT Bio Halloween party!
Social with the Vos lab at the Cheesecake Factory!
Cheesing in front of our new Talos Arctica!
Y complex Cheeto!
Lab photo - Summer 2015
Pros at Bananagrams
Outdoor lunch before the winter!
Lab flu shots!
Enjoying an afternoon ping-pong break